my favorite band

my favorite band
The Rolling Stones in 1969

Friday, December 23, 2011

All Quiet On The Western Front: Chapters 6 and 7 thoughts

Chapters 6 and 7 of the book are very long chapters, but also very insightful. Chapter 6 gives very detailed (yet sometimes gruesome) information about the battles Paul and his pals fought in. They appear to simply shrug off the death of a soldier on their side. At first, I found this unbelievable. I mean, what if that soldier was your friend? Now i understand. Paul and his friends have become accustomed to the deaths of soldiers on their side, whether they knew each other or not. This is not just because they have witnessed so many deaths on their side, but because they have had to kill so many Allied Power soldiers. It's tough, but that's what war is: killing people just to prove a country's superiority. An Allied power soldier could even be friends with a Central power soldier. This brings me to my next point. In chapter 7, Paul and his friends go swimming in the canal between German and French territory that is separated by sentries. They meet some French girls and fall in love. Paul fell in love with a brunette girl, describing her "bewildering eyes" and her gleaming white teeth. The brunette and Paul eventually start to drift off into a relationship that seems unlikely. Like i said, a German soldier in WWI could be best friends with a French soldier in WWI. The case might be different here in Chapter 7 as Paul falls in love with a French girl, but that doesn't change the impact of the point I have proven. As you can see, Paul's experiences, along with his friends' experiences, contribute to the point I've made, and they also are part of the very insightful chapters 6 and 7 of the book.


  1. The battles in chapter 6 really show the horror of WW1. I agree that Paul and his friends have become accustomd to the death. They are forced to if you thought about every ddeath and all those people gone you would lose it.

  2. The point you made about Central power soldiers and allied power soldiers is exactly like the poem we read. That's probably what you were trying to do but I just thought it was a great connection. This is exactly what happened to paul. And your right It could really happen to anyone.

  3. Yor're so right that it's tough. If you don't know that soldier it's like you never knew their emotions, actions, and personality so they don't have to grieve or worry about how sad it is.
